US and Canada location based deals from different group buying providers using Yipit's API.
Awesome time based group deals from your favorite sites like Groupon, LivingSocial, BuywithMe, CrowdSavings, DealFind, MyDailyDeals, PlumDistrict, KGB Deals, iCoupon, Zozi, Eversave, Homerun, Yelp and Mamapedia. All the deals presented by Yipit are present in this application.
Use settings to select radius to show for deals or to select a location
Use settings to see images for a deal or not see them.
See deal counts in a category and browse by category.
Filter in the list to narrow down to a specific tag.
Changed the look and feel so it is more user friendly and easier to find the deals.
Removed charts and replaced with simple list
Added ability to download images or not download them in settings.
Better UI for the settings page.