You have been reincarnated as the last hero of the Twisted Pixel World. A powerful special attack can be triggered at your fingertips, allowing you to defeat monsters and uncover the secrets of this twisted realm.
- By timing your attacks to match the critical bar, you can activate critical special attacks and spells.
- Grow infinitely using the idle automatic cliker.
- Venture into dungeons, hunt down menacing monsters, and enhance your combat skills and magical abilities.
- Harness the power of the four divine beasts to amplify the elemental strength of your special attacks.
- Equip yourself for battle! Collect various pieces of equipment, then combine, upgrade, and disassemble them to become even stronger.
- Engage in competitive rank mode and real-time chat to challenge players from around the world.
Create your own knight using strategic roguelike elements such as legacies and random stats.
Experience continuous growth even when the game is turned off or left idle! Gold will continue to accumulate while you rest.
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If you have any suggestions, questions or problems about the game, please contact us at the email address below.
Artwork created by @vectorpixelstar. License: CC BY-ND 4.0
Sound Effect from Pixabay
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