My Task Planner arranges To do list based on task's Importance and Urgency. It is an organiser App that organises your tasks in a single view. Goal of My Task Planner is to help you reduce your time spent on unproductive tasks and allow time for tasks that make you a better person, allow quality family time, improve processes, increase income. Don't forget to check 'Important' and 'Urgent' while adding tasks.
Today, Tomorrow, Upcoming filtering: You can filter your today's, tomorrow's and upcoming tasks.
Today Widget: See all your today's tasks on desktop widget.
Priority tasks: You see these tasks first. These are must TODO tasks.
Productive tasks: These are important but not urgent tasks. You can highlight these tasks with colours provided in the app. Also, you can choose category for your task. Goal of this app is help you focus on these productive tasks and bring more satisfaction.
Study Task: This is a Important but not urgent task. You have to select task category as 'Study'. This task is repeated on 2nd, 4th and 7th day from start day. Reason for repeating this task is to allow thorough understanding of any topic you want to study.
Notes: You can save additional Notes.
Subtasks/List: This allows you to prepare grocery list. Also, if you are arranging a party or social event, simply add all your subtasks under this section.
Recurring Task: The task can be repeated daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Speciality of this app is Custom Weekly & Monthly recurring task, which is a Free Feature.
Reminders: Put reminder for your tasks.
Daily Affirmation: Start your day on positive note. View your daily affirmation as soon as you launch the app. End your day by reading peaceful message. You can set your Positive Thoughts under 'Daily Affirmation'.
Custom Weekly & Monthly Recurring Task
Bug Fixes