This simple tool is for businesses and fitness professionals (personal trainers or instructors) to manage their classes and schedules.
GagaClass Admin app enables you to manage your classes, schedules, and member's bookings.
-CLASS SCHEDULING: Add and edit classes and instructors. Schedule yourself as an instructor or other instructors to different classes.
- PAGES: Create your class schedule with its own web presence where you can share it among your contacts.
- SCANNING: Scan member's barcode to look up a member.
- MEMBERS: See all your members along with their class memberships or class package information.
- MEMBERSHIP: Create class packages and memberships for your classes.
GagaClass Admin is built on top of Fitsoft Software and includes its class management functionality and more.
If you have an account with Fitsoft you can use your account to log into GagaClass Admin. You can also sign up for a new account through this app.
Initial Release of the gagaClass Administrator app for Fitsoft admins to manage their classes and members