Antikz is your personal assistant when it comes to buying or selling the best antique items out there, from people that you know and trust.
We’ve created Antikz in order to enable every collector or antique lover to discover other sellers or buyers, connect with them and exchange amazing antique items and belongings.
When you first launch Antikz simply go through the easy signup process and you will be able to dive-in into the “near me” search or you can choose to browse by category.
You can easily create your own ad for the item that you have for sale. Just enter the required information, point and click to make picture, add price and here is the best part… you can even attach video to your ad. This will enrich the experience of your potential buyer and help him make a buying decision faster.
Another great feature is the ability to contact the seller with only one click, right from the app. This will save you time, energy and money.
There is also, the social sharing feature. After you create your ad, you can easily share it on your facebook and twitter profiles so you can attract the interest of your friends.
We’ve enabled Antikz with the ability to provide an ad management mini dashboard where you can go and edit, change and improve your ads.
Click on the download button and join the community of active Antiques lovers.
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