Earn income from android application and advertising revenue, Admob and Inmobi are good.
You can earn US Dollars, and will be paid the amount multiplied by your country's exchange rate.
Generate minimum USD100 (hundred) per month using Admob, and get paid by wire transfer (to your local bank).
*USD100 is not much for person living in the US, but it means a lot to those in other countries, especially with increasing money exchange rate.
Build Android app for USD 12 (twelve American dollars), affordable service.
To open your own Google Play developer/publisher account, the fee is one-time USD 25. You will need to use credit/debit card. You can use other person's card, if you don't have your own card.
*Google Play and Admob accounts are separated . Admob does not charge you any fee to register.
*It is not required to publish app in Google Play. You can distribute your app through other methods, for example, third party stores like 1Mobi
We will guide you through publishing in Google Play, or if you want to distribute your app by emails or Whatsapp.
We will inform you of Google Play and Admob rules and avoid mistakes (we learned by experience).
You dont have to learn coding at all. We do the coding for you.
You can build an app that suits your needs, similar to our apps
Compatible with phones and tablets.
You can sell in Google Play, Amazon app stores.
You can distribute to friends, family, organizational members , customers.
You provide your requirements, ads IDs (Admob etc), in-app purchase IDs, logos, links, colors
We provide the codes, keystore, final APK.
*The codes are all yours, you can change and create new version on your own, with Eclipse and AIDE.
----we offer
Browser with links
Photo Gallery (picture gallery)
Video downloader
Video player
Audio player
E-book with PDF and HTML
Calculations for professionals
Database MYSQL online, view and edit on Android device
You can sell your app, put in-app purchase (donate)
Point system - user get points with usage, award with options and more features. User can pay to gain instant access.
Put your own Admob , InMobi, Amazon, ad network advertising
To order our service, please make in-app purchase and email us