Anakku Media Initiated by Dr. Dr. Hardiono D. Pusponegoro, Sp.A(K), under the auspices of PT Anak Cerdas Indonesia, Anakku Media originated as a publishing company that has produced Majalah Anakku (since 2004) and A Magazine (since 2012). The mission of Anakku Media is to become sources of information that promotes health interests and welfare of children in Indonesia.
A Magazine. The mission of this magazine is to be the source of information related to pediatric practices, as well as providing current lifestyle references such as hobbies, gadgets, fashion, automotive, finance, and so forth. Owning the tagline "For the experts that care about children," A Magazine presents useful and interesting contents for the medical practitioners, especially those dealing with children.
In addition to the magazines, Anakku Media also has other divisions, namely:
• Anakku Event. Performs activation by running a string of events for internal purposes or client’s services in several venues such as hospitals, schools, hotel ballrooms, malls and holds Anakku Expo which is the main event of Anakku Media.
• Anakku Production. Provides a variety of interactive marketing and educational concepts involving digital multimedia, such as video, animation, motion graphics, augmented reality (AR).
Anakku Media
Jl. Kayu Putih Selatan No. 74
Jakarta, 13210
Phone +6221 47863434
Note : 2016 ini kami merubah pola publishing yang tadinya download sekaligus menjadi baca yang diinginkan, ya... anda akan dimudahkan dalam membaca artikel kami dengan adanya pengelompokkan artikel. Jika anda hanya ingin membaca artikel "Lifestyle", maka anda cukup pilih menu "Lifestyle" dan semua artikel "Lifestyle" akan muncul.
Fitur lainnya :
- Pengelompokkan artikel.
- Update artikel dalam 1 ketukan.
- Lebih hemat kuota internet.