The DIASCAN Monitoring System calculator is for informational purposes only. Baxter is not responsible for user's reliance on or use of the calculator, including, without limitation, arithmetic errors, prescriptions developed in reliance on the user's calculations, or patient response to such prescriptions. The calculator information is not intended to be construed as medical advice. One should consult a healthcare professional for specific medical treatment. The Watson's formula is used in this calculation of total body water volume. The Volume of Distribution value (VOL OF DISTRIB on Phoenix X36 hemodialysis system) is used in the calculation of IONIC Kt/V. The value is entered by the clinician as a percentage of the patient's dry weight. The input range for VOL of DISTRIB is 20-80% The dry weight value is used in the calculation of IONIC Kt/V/ The value entered by the clinician is within a range of 8kg to 200kg. The default value for dry weight is 60kg.