Order food from Midway Airport restaurants and vendors, check TSA wait times, get GPS directions to and from the Airport, check flight times, check CTA train and bus schedules and book Taxi's, Cars, Limo's and Hotels.
Additionally, you can get notified of inclement weather, flight delays, security alerts and Chicago based special events via geo-fence push notification alerts..There is even a special car finder option to help travelers find where they parked their cars!
The menus include selections from breakfast to lunch and dinner from restaurants including Millers Pub, Sprigs, Oak St Beach Cafe and Stefani’s Tuscany Café, to name just a few.
Midway Airport app is brought to you by Premier Restaurant Group - a division of MAC One Midway LLC -the largest operator of food and beverage concessions at Midway International Airport.
Updated Menu's
Bug fixes on Splash page