OnMapp-mkd is the best way to save money with your smartphone!
Launch OnMapp Mkd on your device and it instantly goes about finding deals and coupons in your geographic area. Choose the offer you like best and visit the store. When you walk up to the cashier, just show the OnMapp-mkd deal on your device. That's it - you just saved money!
No clipping. No printing. No need to remember which location that coupon was good for.
We go after the offers and put them on your device for you to use when you're ready.
- Deals negotiated specifically for OnMapp Mkd users
- Instant results based on your current location
- City based coupon searches
- Just show the OnMapp Mkd deal on your device
- New deals and stores added daily
Please note: Mobile Internet is required. Continued use of GPS can decrease battery life.