Now you can quickly view Musically videos offline by downloading them using Save for Musically app. After saving you can even repost is very easy and fast to use for Quick Save.
Main Features :
✔ Save Multiple videos.
✔ View quick saved stories in a bar at bottom of main screen.
✔ Fast download speed.
✔ Beautiful Dashboard to manage quick saved videos.
✔ Repost, Share, Delete videos from Save App.
✔ Batch videos in your phone offline.
Steps to use:
1. Turn ON Save app and Open Musically.
2. Do “Copy Link” of videos.
3. Videos will start downloading automatically, progress shown in notification.
Enjoy FastSave for Instagram app and please mail your suggestion to us before giving bad ratings.
Please do not use this program to save videos and repost without the permission of the respective owners. Respect the rights of the Musically users. If you notice that any content in our app violates copyrights than Please inform us so that we remove that content. We respect the rights of Instagram. We only use the contents which Musically allows to developers.