Phom: Phom that the game token reserved for 4 people play. Number of lesson is a 52 traversal, initial moi nguoi be chia 8 or 9 traversal Tuy discipline play. the number of token remain in the middle is set, the people to play bốc cho time play next. People follow the first to be chia more than one traversal against the others.
Discipline play:
1. You are not chia more than one traversal token people will be going first.
2. You are up to lượt follow does not a bookmark ra an traversal lesson and you kế right people will be going next.
3. Khí people kế left bookmark ra an traversal token, the people kế to the people tay non fit bookmark traversal token have permission to Ăn con token it or that bốc traversal lesson in the middle If you want to An.
4. Is only pressed traversal just been bookmark Down of the person to the left tay if traversal lesson that make success phom in the number of con token directory.
5. Khí people have right Ăn or the bốc at the middle an traversal token, you must be bookmark ra an traversal.
6 Tro choi the end when.:
6.1. Số lesson in the middle have been bốc expired
6.2. People fit bookmark traversal token have a number of pixels above tay zero.
7 Số Điểm of the person play:. Is the total number of con lesson is not in which phom.
8 user thắng conversations.:
8.1. Is the people have a number of pixels at least.
8.2. If 2 people have a number of pixels lowest equal, the people are bốc traversal Bãi Trước people in the past kia final people will be thắng conversations.
- Fix a crash bug when play with friends via wifi connection.