FREE Personal Tourist Guide.
Going to Idrija - Cerkno region? Get this Free OFFLINE Tourist Guide in your pocket.
Meet attractions, cultural heritage and local features.
Live hiking and biking trails, try the climbing, skiing, fishing, horseback riding or adrenalin sport.
Trials homemade food and local produce.
With reviews you love, stored in the app, all available offline. No data roaming charges!
Key features of this app:
Download the app with absolutely no risk. You’ll love it!
After initial update, there is no need for live data connection. Everything is stored on your phone. You can update user reviews periodically when you are on WiFi.
All places that are listed on Personal Tourist Guide are included in the app.
Personal Tourist Guide include reviews of other travelers.
Using the phone's GPS, you can follow along and read about the interesting sights along the route.
Searching for pizza around the city? Coffee near your actual location? Or do you just want to find a highly recommended place near you? With this app you can easily search any way you want, and find exactly what’s best for you and your travel companions.
Once you have selected a restaurant or attraction, this app will guide you there using the GPS and Compass.
Explanation of requested permissions :
- Fine (GPS) and coarse (network-based) geographical location :
Your geographical location is requested in order to help determine what point of interest is near your actual location (automatically detects the places nearby) and for calculation of distances.
- Network communications :
Allows you to enjoy an up-to-date content and to use online maps.
- Phone calls :
Allows you to make phone call to make reservation or to get additional information.
- Phone/SD CARD storage :
The information entered in the application will be kept on your Smartphone/SD card in order to give you a personalized content every time you open the application.
- System tools :
Allows the application to run when using augmented reality.
TAG: Idrija, mestni muzej, kamšt, klavže, Jašek Frančiške, Antonijev rov, čipka, Čipkarska šola Idija, Center Idrijske čipke, tiskarna Slovenija, bolnica Pavla, partizansko grobišče Vojščica, vojni muzej, Divje jezero, krajinski park zgornja Idrijca, Grad Gewerkenegg, Prva slovenska realka, Mestna hiša, magazin, gledališče, Šelštev, Scopolijeva hiša, rudarska hiša, idrijska čipka, festival idrijske čipke, idrijski, žlikrofi, bakalca, prfarski štrukljevc, geruš, zeljševka, Hella Saturnus rally, češnjeva, oglarska, jakobova, florjanova, nedelja, alter-alt, tango festival, Cerkno, arheološki, park, divje, babe, piščal, laufarija, smučišče, partizanska, bolnica, bolnišnica, franja, apartmaji, hotel, cerkno, turistične, kmetije, idrijca, porezen, france, bevk, zaganjalka, samaragdna, pot, soča, kolesarjenje, kolesarstvo, maraton, franja, termalna voda, pohodništvo, kulinarika, šebreljski, želodec, spominki, cerkljanski, muzej, jazz, festival, poletje, cerknem, trakulja, c.m.a.k, eta, neandertalec, postrv, plezanje, lutne, skale, izleti, padalstvo, kajting, paintball, šebrelje, kopa, grape, čipka, klekljanje, pust, narava, rapalska, meja, cerkljansko, narečje, znamenitosti, jama, rokodelstvo, pisatelji, cerkljanska, pasice, via, alpina
Version 1.2 is a major update:
* Offline maps preloaded
* Initial data preloaded
* Various bug fixes