MOROCCAN Tagine - Cook
If you own a tagine but have been too intimidated to try using it, don't feel bad. Rest assured there are many Moroccans themselves who have never cooked in them either.
MOROCCAN Tagine - Cook
Many Moroccan dishes take their name from a tagine, the clay or ceramic vessel in which they were traditionally cooked. Although urban Moroccans may be more inclined to use modern cookware such as pressure cookers when making stews, tagines are still favored by those who appreciate the unique, slow-cooked flavor which the clayware imparts to the food. In addition, tagines remain the cookware of choice in many rural areas as a matter of cultural norms.
MOROCCAN Tagine - Cook
Before a new tagine can be used, you must season it so it is strengthened to withstand moderate cooking temperatures. Once the tagine is seasoned, How to Cook in a Tagine - Step-by-Step Photos will show you how easy it is to use. But there's more to know--cooking in a tagine is different than cooking in a conventional pot in a number of ways.
MOROCCAN Tagine - Cook