This application allows the consultation of the main pests that attack this crop, providing information of pesticides for control and dosages of application, among the functionalities found are:
- Compatibility with Smartphones and Tablets;
- Division of pests into categories;
- Bookmark bookmarks;
- Technical information on Invasive Plants;
- Additional information on Insects and Diseases;
- Information on pesticides;
- External links to Youtube and Google Images with pest name;
- Product settings and enter the application;
Important: This application has the purpose of assisting the agronomist or expert in pest identification and recommendation of pesticides. Under no circumstances should the agricultural pesticides be applied to the crop without the proper recommendation of an agronomist and the application income and package leaflet in the hands.
- Defensive Information accessible to all;
- Search by product, ingredient or manufacturer;
- New products added;
- Interface improvements;
- Minimal corrections and adjustments;