Group-Zone Tracker helps track phones with in marked zones for the groups or individual users.
Group-Zone Tracker is a GPS tracking application that allows you to track the location of Android cell phones and tablets and send free push messages between them without any extra cost.
This app helps locate exact location of the user without the need of an app running on the device. once installed it silently works and get location and update to the parent mobile device.
Basically, This app works in manner of parent child relationship. devices can be paired in relationships and act as parent and child. once paired, all the child devices reports GPS locations to parent device and also provide facility to chat between them. parent device can define ZONES on maps for its child device so that if the child devices moves out of the marked zone area (previously by parent device on the map) the parent device get notified so that parent can take appropriate action.
Group-Zone Tracker works even if the phone is rebooted, Group-Zone Tracker will automatically resume tracking and updating its position
Group-Zone Tracker Uses all the possible location methods like GPS, Cell Tower Triangulation and Wi-Fi. That provides the best possible balance between accuracy and dependability
Group-Zone Tracker allows you to track your children, wife, husband and fiancée. You can now track their location at anytime, as long as they have their Android devices with them.
Group-Zone Tracker User Manual
1)In login Screen
in login screen user genrate otp code verify that otp and go to next screen
2)Group Screen
a)In group screen user create group, see group list.
b)click on particular group user see group members in google map and also track location of group members.
c)to add members to group the target member need to scan group's qr code to add itself into the group.
3)Other Group Screen
a)In this screen user find all groups in which he is added.
b)User can add to any group with help of qr code scanner. he need to scan group's qr code to add itself into
4)Zone Screen
Any group admin can create zones for group members. if any group members enter or exit zone.
Group Admin get notification alert.
5)Setting Screen
In setting screen Admin can on or off notifications.
OTP bug fixed.