If you are probably in search of any details regarding the place Kondotty, Xpo Kondotty App simplify your search for the details by this quick search icon. Now it is in your palm and start searching for the relevant information through this app. Find all the information about Kondotty easily in seconds and as per your convenience you can search from anywhere at any time through XPO Kondotty App. One can get hospital contact number, Bus- Train time, other emergency contacts, and details of shops and many more information about Kondotty .
As an emerging trading centres in the district people used to search information on Kondotty. The Xpo Kondotty App is a one stop solution to this. This app contains all important set of information one may search in emergency situations.
Whether you want to know about the local news at Kondotty or any events took place at Kondotty just go to the ‘News’ menu of the app and you will become aware of the news within few clicks. The app also shares details on blood donation by providing the contact details of blood donors, emergency contact numbers like police, ambulance, fire force…etc.
Categories available in the app are:
• News at Kondotty
• Auto rickshaw driver’s contact details
• Name & phone number of Bank
• Train Time - (Name of the train, arrival & departure time)
• Taxi – Contact details of drivers
• Education – Institutes’ name & phone number
• Blood bank – blood group & donors’ ph no
• Workers - name, trade and phone number
• Name & ph no of shops
• Hospital ‘s name and phone number
• Goods – Phone number and name
• Emergency contacts of ambulance, police, and fire force…etc.
• Feedback form
• others