Delta Mix-E-Load
1987 Thalamus
Music by Rob Hubbard
A remake of the Commodore 64 Delta Mix-E-Load. Select different lead, bass and drum tracks and remix away...
Delta was a horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up game released by Thalamus Ltd in 1987. Programmed by Stavros Fasoulas with music by Rob Hubbard, it was the follow up to the 1986 release Sanxion.
The C64 version of Delta included the Mix-E-Load loading system which allowed players to remix the loading music as the game itself loaded in the background. It was standard in the cassette version and a bonus in the disk version. Mix-E-Load was created by Gary Liddon in conjunction with Rob Hubbard and derived from an idea by Nick Pelling, author of well known BBC Micro games Frak! and Firetrack.
Buttons are now highlighted to indicate track selection