What is New in version 3.0
+) Move all data to sdcard
+) Update English Phrase to 50 topics
+) Search more exactly
+) Update interface more beautiful
You can easy refer to over 50,000 words for English-Chinese Dictionary(offline dictionary) and mp3 and 150,000 words for English-English Dictionary(offline dictionary). Especial you can search two dictionary for a word(Two in one).
Refer to English-Chinese dictionary Pro => https://market.android.com/details?id=com.dict.ec_pro&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5kaWN0LmVjX3BybyJd
English Phrase Light
With this app, you can find out conversational sentences English and pronunciation for each sentence. it is very handy for translation, converse following context
(Refer to English Phrase 2500 for full topic(50 topic))
Topic 1:Eating
Topic 2:Post office
Topic 3:Thanks sorry
Topic 4:Hello
Topic 5:Congratulations