RCCbox is a mobile application developed using 3Clicks platform and addressed primarily to oncologists. RCCbox contains essential information about diagnosis and treatment of the most common type of kidney cancer in adults- renal cell carcinoma (RCC), in the form of short text, practical tables and scales.
In RCCbox you will find:
• Essential information on the diagnosis and treatment of renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
• Prognostic scales (TNM, MSKCC, Karnofsky), and classification criteria (CHOI, RECIST 1.1)
• Corrected calcium level calculator
• Qualification criteria for the drug program (MoH)
All the information within RCCbox comes from well-documented, published sources and are updated on a regular basis, providing reliable support in a diagnostic and therapeutic decision process.
3Clicks is an universal mobile app addressed to various industry experts which offers complete end-to end service in an attractive and innovative format.
Learn more about 3Clicks: www.get3clicks.com
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