Panchatantra tells about five ways that help the human being succeed in life. Pancha means five and tantra means ways or principles. Addressed to the children, the stories are primarily about state craft and are popular throughout the world.
The Panchatantra discusses varied topics like philosophy, psychology, politics, music, astronomy, human relationship, etc., in a simple yet elegant style. This makes it a rare piece of literature, and a unique book. It attempts to illustrate how to understand others, how to choose reliable and trustworthy friends, how to overcome difficulties and problems through tact and wisdom. Moreover, it illustrates how to live in peace and harmony even in the midst of deceit, hypocrisy and other pitfalls in life.
It was originally composed in Sanskrit language in India around 3rd century BC. However, based on evidences, many tales referred in the composition find their origins back to the period of Vedas and Upanishads, dating around 1500 BC to 500 BC. Panchatantra is therefore, proclaimed as the oldest collection of Indian fables surviving till date by most scholars of Indo-European languages.
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Panchtantra Stories