It's a clipboard for Coto Note.
It's possible to drag and drop content between Coto-Note and this app.
This app is expected to be used with Coto-Note app together.
* Galaxy Note S-Pen is required.
* Drag and Drop support with Multi-Window. ( It's only supported between Coto-Note and Coto-Clip. )
* It is designed for Galaxy Note 10.1 and Galaxy Tab A with S-Pen.
Your question or comment will be much appreciated.
* Contact Information :
# 1.0.5
Redraw thread improvement.
# 1.0.4
Drag and Drop Bug fixes.
# 1.0.3
Rendering engine improvement.
# 1.0.2
Adding Background Graph Line Opacity Option.
# 1.0.1
User Interface Improvement.