Enjoy sudoku and mysterious stories at once
You can read the adventures of boys and girls while playing Sudoku.
You can open a page of a novel by clearing Sudoku one by one.
Read the mysterious adventures of boys and girls
There is a story of their trying to survive in a dark city.
There is a level of difficulty for both beginners and advanced users.
Depending on the difficulty, convenience features and game environment are different.
Beginners have more convenience and ease of access to Sudoku,
and more advanced users have a more thoughtful gaming environment.
◈◈ You can enjoy Sudoku according to the difficulty you want! ◈◈
★ features ★
- Sudoku of 5 difficulty levels
- A unique game system for each difficulty level
- Convenient features to play the game
- A story of adventure in the dark city of boys and girls
★★ more features ★★
- Memo. It's easier if you take notes.
- Eraser. You can easily erase the wrong place.
- Auto save. Saved without special save button.
- Highlights. It makes the environment easy to solve Sudoku.
- Dark tone design. It's easy to see!
System Update 20170717
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