Khaadi first opened its doors in 1998 in Karachi, Pakistan offering customers kurtas and loose fabric made from hand-woven fabric. Shamoon Sultan, Sole Director and Founder, had the intent of reviving the ancient craft of the handloom and popularizing the traditional medium in a contemporary manner. Khaadi, which means “hand-woven”, has stayed true to its name and continues to produce a fusion of styles to complement both the east and west, while still using hand-woven fabrics on select products.
Khaadi defines its lines as Concepts and initially had Prêt (Ready-to-Wear), Unstitched (Fabric) and Man (Eastern Wear). Over the years, Khaadi has introduced a number of new Concepts including Khaas (featuring exclusive and limited-edition pieces), Kids (for 2-12 year olds), Accessories (jewelry, stoles and handbags) and Home (featuring furniture, bedding and bath items).
In 2010, Khaadi entered into the international arena by exporting to various regions. The online store was launched in Pakistan in 2014 and Khaadi will look to open its digital doors to various countries going forward. The company continues on its aggressive expansion strategy by opening several retail stores in smaller cities of Pakistan.In order to further grow and expand the business in a sustainable manner, we have corporatized our business and for this purpose have setup Khaadi (SMC – Private) Limited (formally K-Clothing (SMC – Private) Limited) with effect from 1 May 2016.
We are located at: F-2A/I, Hub River Road, S.I.T.E. Karachi, Pakistan.