The Celebrating path of Enlightenment.
Aumaujaya Aadhi Parisamsthan is a Non-Profit Social Service Organization giving Bhajana songs and Books to all all Bakthomaujayas for Living Healthy, Happy, Peaceful and Blissful life.
About the fonder of the Organization.
His holiness Jaimahavibhoshri was born on 3rd December in Andhra Pradesh, India. We call him out of love as Mahavibhoshri ( The Great Beloved Master ). Mahavibhoshri is born enlightened one and is the ultimate peak of supreme consciousness in beyondness to beyondness. There is no other beyondness to his experience of wisdom.
Master says, Man is the greatest miracle in the universe. The very purpose of human birth is to become a light unto himself and to the universe. But today we have forgotten completely the original nature. We are living an incomplete life. We are living only one side of the life i.e. materialistic life. We never try to know, why we have come to this earth, where we go after death. Simply a forgotten life we are living. We forgot the essence and fragrance of human life. Mas has completely engaged in the activities of mundane world. He never tries to think about mystery of human life.
The true life is spiritual life, which is ignored totally. Master says Man is already Enlightened that means all human beings are enlightened, but unfortunate thing is we have forgotten our original self totally and we are living a pseudo life.
A soul of man is Which authors have written enough grade-level appropriate books to warrant consideration for potential author studies? One school delays I worked with made the following choices: Which genres do you want/need to address? Look to the Common Core Standards for guidance. unique. We cannot find similar souls and persons hence the path of an individual for inner journey is different from others and is unique. Only a living enlightened master can create path of all individuals as per the nature of them. This is why the initiation is essential one for all individuals to be a master unto themselves. Initiation is the rebirth in oneself to know the way to attain themselves.
Jaimahavibhoshri says I am trying to create a synthesis between the materialism and the spiritualism. I want to create a new man and complete man, who belongs to the religion of ecstasy, and I long to see this whole earth with the enlightened individuals. That is why I am inviting you all to share my supreme love and wisdom and supreme light and the Buddha hood.
My message is very simple. Just live life here and now as intensively as possible, celebrating the existence moment to moment to realize the Buddha hood everywhere. Welcome into the womb of love and fragrance, for the first time in the existence.
The Celebrating Path of Enlightenment invites seekers who themselves want to attain the Buddha hood and to prepare the land of Buddha's by spreading the message of Jaimahavibhoshri all over the globe.