The audience sets their mobiles on the same color at the same time. This is the perfect way to create the lighter mood of the future. The color will stay activated during the acitivity.
In concerts, it could be a special song that matches a unique color.
In sports, the light in the arena can be turned off and the audience can cheer their team with their special color. This could be perfect for ice hockey, handball, floorball and many other sports.
In other events the colors can be used together with the stage show. This will make a spectacular light show.
When you are at home, you can use the mobile to make a special atmosphere. If you use several mobiles it gets even better. Use it with child birthdays or maybe a romantic dinner.
To get more ideas on how to use the app, it is recommended that users post videos on youtube and send the link to The video will then be added to EventLight’s youtube channel.
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