RYB is a board game for two players. It is played on a hexagonal board, which is made up of 18 smaller hexagons. Each player starts with 9 tile pieces: three Red, three Yellow and three Blue. On each tile is written a number which represents its attack power, for each colour there will be one labeled "1", one labeled "2" and one labeled "3". The goal of the game is to try and capture all of the opponents tile pieces by placing one of your tiles with a higher number against an opponents that has a lower number. But the players must be cautions with which pieces they put next to each other as some get an increase in their attack power when going against certain colours:
-Red Tiles get a +1 against Yellow Tiles.
-Yellow Tiles get a +1 against Blue Tiles.
-Blue Tiles get a +1 against Red Tiles.
During the game, the two opponents take turns to place one of their tile pieces onto the board. Once placed, the piece can no longer be moved. One player "White" has pieces with a white edge, the other player "Black" has pieces with a black edge around them.
If you wish to increase the challenge then try implementing the turn time limit, which will result in a loss for any player who does not place a tile piece down on the board before the time reaches zero.
Key Features:
Local multiplayer
Vs Mode against AI
Online Multiplayer