This application contains over two years of playlist data for songs played on WWOZ 90.7FM. It is organized by show. You can select a show and find out what songs have been played during that show. Most shows will reveal a few thousand songs. You can get an idea of the type of music played on a particular show. You can probably find out what is playing right now online at
If you google for something like, "greatest radio station in the world", wwoz should be at the top. It is plainly true that WWOZ is the greatest radio station in the world. You can start listening to the online music stream at and find out the truth about WWOZ for yourself. The truth is that WWOZ is the greatest radio station in the world. The WWOZ DJs are not playing commercials and they are not being told what music to play. It works.
Yeah, you will be a fan of WWOZ. All of the data is copyright 2001 to 2014 WWOZ 90.7FM and or its licensors. All mistakes are the developers fault who was probably not listening to WWOZ when the mistakes occurred.
By the way, if you Google for
"greatest radio station in the world"
with double quotes around the sentence, WWOZ is the first result. As Brother Jesse might say, Amen. This app and its code are free. All of the data is copyright 2001 to 2014 WWOZ 90.7FM and or its licensors. All mistakes are the developers fault who was probably not listening to WWOZ when the mistakes occurred.