The "I Like Acacias " application is a pager specific locations within the town of Acacias, this locator will have a menu of categories that serve to filter ( about 30 categories ), the result will be cast into the map of Acacias allowing the user to enter advanced details of each location marked within the map. In details , the user can find a photo, description of location, hours of operation , and other relevant information that the visitor needs . For users looking for a place with a specific name eg . "Pharmacy Rodeo " the user can type in the search field and the system with Autofill system will allow faster searching .
This application provides the user rating by rating and commenting each of the places visited and see user comments for the tourist or visitor can make a better decision on which place to visit. With access through Facebook, and English and Spanish languages.
The strategy is to make an application that benefits the entire community in the municipality of Acacias and providing ideal for the tourist or traveler information, it is necessary to have a complete database , for which the registration is free and will be promoted through the Mayor , who agrees to link to large, medium , small enterprises and new ventures within the city .