The Gift is a detailed study on the gifts of the Holy Spirit bestowed on the church for the purpose of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ who is the head of the church.
The study comes with an ease of use that allows the reader to read the verses of scripture surrounding the topic of the gifts of the Spirit and being able to tap on words and phrases of the verses to get a detailed commentary on the subject matter.
The app will be constantly updated with further information on the gifts of the Spirit, so check back frequently for updates.
Added 1 Corinthians chapter 13 which looks at love (charity) which is the most outstanding gift.
Added 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 which looks at the gift of tongues and prophesy.
Added underline indicator for each phrase and word touched to indicate that reference was read.
Re-sized reference popup modals to fit screen size for better reading experience.
Minor adjustments.