This App is made for Registration for the "National Summit on Transparency and Accountability in Government Financial Management", on 11th & 12th October at The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi.
The key features of the App include -
• Registration & Payment for the Summit -
In this menu, you can select your "Category" as Member/Non-Member/Guest/Govt.
Member. Next, you need to just add your basic details, and you will be registered for
the Summit. For making Payment, you can go to "My Desk" menu, & make your
Payment as Member/ Non-Member.
• Networking -
In this Menu, you can have a look on all delegates' "Visiting Cards"; To add your
Visiting Card, tap on "My Desk" menu, and add your Visiting Card, which will be shown
to all delegates in "Networking" menu.
• Faculties -
Here, you can know the speakers of the Summit, with their Profiles.
• Study Material -
In this Menu, you can view the Study Material(s) of respective sessions.
• Schedule -
Here, you can see the Programme Structure/Schedule of the Summit.
• Queries -
In this Menu, you can add your Query for the on-going Session by just selecting the
Session, and entering the Query. Your Query will be received in real-time.
• Feedback -
Here, you can post your Feedback for the Summit and the App.
• Attractions -
In this menu, you can know about the tourist attractions in Delhi with their information,
as well as photo.
Version 10.0 -
Now with updated Faculties