Are you ready to try out one of the world’s most famous board games? See if you’ve got what it takes to master Ludo premier game.
It’s one of many Ludo games that you can find on Google play store, but this one will let you challenge up to three other players or automated opponents. Can you move your four tokens around the board and get them to your finishing square before one of your opponents does the same with theirs?
How to Play Ludo game
The goal of Ludo is to get your tokens out of your yard and into an area called the finishing square. Each player has their own based on their tokens’ color. Roll the dice and see if you can get your tokens to your finishing square before your opponents do!
Game Controls
* USE Tap while you make decisions.
* Tap to roll the dice and select tokens.
* Classic rules and gameplay.
* Play against up to three friends or automated opponents.
* Customizable player names.
* Customizing player pictures
Tips and Tricks
* Get all of your tokens out of your yard and moving as quickly as you can.
* Don’t hesitate to land on an opponent’s token. That will send it back to their yard.
* Use smaller dice rolls to move pieces that are closest to your yard.
* Use higher dice rolls to move pieces that are closest to your finishing square.
How to Play
* Players take turns in a clockwise order; highest throw of the die starts.
* Each throw, the player decides which piece to move. A piece simply moves in a clockwise direction around the track given by the number thrown. If no piece can legally move according to the number thrown, play passes to the next player.
* A throw of 6 gives another turn.
* A player must throw a 6 to move a piece from the starting circle onto the first square on the track. The piece moves 6 squares around the circuit beginning with the appropriately coloured start square (and the player then has another turn).
* If a piece lands on a piece of a different colour, the piece jumped upon is returned to its starting circle.
* If a piece lands upon a piece of the same colour, this forms a block. This block cannot be passed or landed on by any opposing piece.
* When a piece has circumnavigated the board, it proceeds up the home column. A piece can only be moved onto the home triangle by an exact throw.
* The first person to move all 4 pieces into the home triangle wins.
* Ludo played in the Indian continent features a safe square in each quadrant, normally the fourth square from the top in the rightmost column. These squares are usually marked with a star. In India Ludo is often played with two dice, and rolling 1 on a die also allows a token to enter active play. Thus if a player rolls a 1 and a 6, they may get a token out and move it six steps.
* To get a game started faster, some house rules allow a player with no pieces on the board to bring their first piece into play on any roll, on a 1 or a 6, or allow multiple tries to roll a 6 (with three rolls being the most popular).
* If a piece lands on the same space as another piece of the same colour, the moved piece must take the preceding space.
* If a piece lands on the same space as another piece(s) of the same colour, the pieces are doubled or combined and form a block which cannot be passed or taken by any opponent's pieces. Some variations permit such blocks to be passed by rolling a 6 or 1.
* A block of two or more pieces can be taken by an opponent's single piece.
* Doubled pieces may move half the number if an even number is thrown (e.g. move two spaces if a 4 is thrown).
* A doubled piece may capture another doubled piece (like in Coppit).
* A board may have only four spaces in each home column. All four of a player's pieces must finish in these spaces for the player to have finished the game.
* A player must move all the numbers rolled (e.g. if a player rolls multiple 6s, they have to use all the numbers to move).
* USE Tap while you make decisions.
* Tap to roll the dice and select tokens.
* Classic rules and gameplay.
* Play against up to three friends or automated opponents.
* Customizable player names.
* Customizing player pictures