Watch the Anime online and stream episodes of Popular Anime.
It provides both subbed and dubbed versions of anime.
App Features:
1. Save your favorite anime so that you do not have to search for it every time.
2. Genres have been included.
3. Anime episode update daily.
All copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective authors.
All the content in the application is gathered from open sources on the Internet.
All the content owned by its actual user, it is publicly available at different platforms online. We just presenting it for the Movies fans.
We are not uploading any movies. The content provided in this application is available free on public domains. We are just providing the way to stream videos. We don't claim right on any file in this application.
Any content shown on third party websites are the responsibility of those sites and not Watch HD Movies Online Application. We have no knowledge of whether content shown on third party websites is or is not authorised by the content owner as that is a matter between the host site and the content owner. Watch HD Movies Online Application does not host any content on its servers or network.
If you think the content of some Anime has violated the copyrights, please report it to us via email.
We will immediately process it.
Release Anime TV