IMI (Islamic Media International) gives you a new and enjoyable concept for representation of the Islamic prayer times on a smart-watch face. The 5 daily prayers a day indicated on a 24-hour watch-face using the 5 edges of a pentagram which modifies throughout the year and by location. It also shows the Islamic calendar date. The hours are represented in modern European numerals (originally Western Arabic) and the minutes in traditional Arabic numerals.
The short hand points out the hours and moves around 360 degrees in 24 hours. The hours are outlined in modern European numbers. The long hand points at the minutes and moves around 360 degrees in an hour as conventional. The long hand represents the seconds. The numbers 1-60 are outlined in traditional Arabic numbers. At 0 hours there is also an Arabic 60 and at 12 hours there is also an Arabic 30. Please consider for precision and reliability of time and alerts the bluetooth-connection between watch and android-phone is to be maintained at all times. You are able to choose between Hanfi and Shafi calculation methods for prayer times
In the future we are planning to offer you the choice of European/Gregorian calendar and a multitude of colours and patterns, with customisable shapes, numbers as well as moon- and sun phases and festival alert such as Eid, 10th Moharram and Ramdhan/Hadj.
Compatible with all Android Wear
• LG G/R Watch
• LG Urbane Watch (not LTE)
• Samsung Gear Live
• Motorola Moto 360
• Asus ZenWatch
• Sony Smartwatch 3
Not compatible with:
• LG Urbane Watch LTE
• Samsung Gear
• Samsung Gear 2
• Samsung Gear Neo 2
• Samsung S
• Sony Smartwatch 1
• Sony Smartwatch 2
• Optional vibration or Adhan/alert at prayer time.
Required permissions
• Location - needed to get current location for weather updates
• Network access - needed for prayer time synchronisation
• Run at startup - needed to start prayer time synchronization to watch
This app will not access, harvest or share any private data. Location is used for prayer updates only.
Islamic Media International Ltd.
20-22 Wenlock Road
N1 7GU