“香港快拍 X” 由 “香港快拍+” 作者製作,本特別版為回饋用戶長期支持,特開放部份付費功能如顯示附近路況、過海時間資訊等等供大家使用,如想付費開放其他功能如去廣告、入油記錄等支持作者,可以選擇購買 pro 版或在香港快拍+版本 in-app 購買。
“香港快拍 X”是一個支援手機及平版電腦的Android App。它使用了“資料一線通”所提供的交通公共資料,讓用家以最簡便的方法觀看香港各主要道路的實時交通情況以及最新特別交通消息。
除此之外, “香港快拍+” 還提供了即時的天氣資訊及預測,為用家選擇交通工具或選擇行駛路線前作最充足準備。內置的分享功能更可以經 Facebook / twitter / whatsapp / 微博等社交工具分享給各位朋友,以提醒他們注意最新的交通情況。
Permission 用途:
- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
- android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
- android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
- android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Google Map API
- com.siulun.RoadSnapshot.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE
- com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES
This website / product / service contains information that is copied or extracted from data made available by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the “Government”) at http://www.gov.hk/Data.One/ (“Data.One”). The provision of information copied or extracted from or a link to Data.One at this website or in relation to the product or service shall not constitute any form of co-operation or affiliation by the Government with any person in relation to this website, the product or the service or any contents herein. Nothing in this website, the product or the service shall give rise to any representation, warranty or implication that the Government agrees with, approves of, recommends or endorses any contents of this website or the product or the service. The Government does not have any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) howsoever arising from or in respect of your use or misuse of or reliance on or inability to use any contents herein.
v1.1.0 2015-03-18
- 新增四個新快拍:廣東道近梳士巴利道、青朗公路近高埔新村、屯門公路近港鐵兆康站、南灣隧道西草灣入口