NYC Alternate Side Parking Helper.
(For those having trouble, please subscribe to the calendar and make it syncable and visible. There does not seem to be an intent in android to do this, therefore the user must do this. Please android and Google add an intent to the api to help users subscribe to public calendars!)
This application will show you the upcoming alternate side parking suspensions and add up to date information about ASP notifications.
This application will be used as a general alert and notification engine.
This is good for people that need to access the New York City Alternate Side Parking (ASP) Suspension Calendar and alerts.
It adds a subscription to your google calendar to the account that you choose. This means that it can be automatically synchronized and viewed offline. You NEED to enable the calendar by making it visible and enable synchronization.
The alternate side parking suspension calendar is also called street cleaning holiday in some cities.
We plan to add support for San Francisco, Jersey City, and more. Please suggest other cities by emailing
Added Honeycomb support.
Fix a "days away" bug
Set a light background theme.
And support for NYCASP notification feed. You will see the current messages from the city about alternate side parking.
Add icon, images
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Show yesterday notifications because sometimes yesterday is important!
For ICS only:
Added ability to create personal calendar entry by clicking on any event. This allows you to set an alarm and customize it in your calendar.
Added Ice Cream Sandwich support.
Green stars indicate possibly good target days to park (ICS only)