MPtouch tourBuilder is the main content scheduler app of imagineear.
Its purpose is to =
*show a list of available content tours/languages
*once a tour has been selected, it runs content blocks that are loaded on the local /mptouch/ of its flash memory
*triggering of these content blocks can be done via several methods =
** random access/entry on the virtual keypad (''classic mode'')
** via a prescribed order (chained) at a prescribed tempo ("linear mode")
** POI/Menu/List driven ("app mode")
** automatically
** externally via geopositioning
*true real time scheduler. Any content change is instantly applied and can be done locally
*no external software suite required for content updates. Can all be done locally in a straight forward manner with nominal PC skills
*no external software suite required for uploading data to the devices. The content structure is open and transparent
*allows for 3rd party apps to be triggered to temporarily overlay the tourBuilder (break-out)
*restricts users inside a chosen tour (folder). Recycling to the tour list is done via a secret code to enter (by staff)
*shows battery percentage and condition between each tour
*fully optimized for repetitive use
This app requires the /mptouch/ folder to be present on the Flash memory of the MPtouch.
* bug fixes
* auto-update via Cloud
* added pinch/zoom block
* changes to UI
* GA and Flurry
* added scroll list tB block
* Removed all abundant graphics and debug logging
* Solved startup bug
* auto-emailing function (stats)
* blank text entry block
* bug fixes
* More accurate battery screen
* Optimized speed
* retry function to secure content continuation during orientation changes
* enlarged touch areas for control buttons