The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce is leading the way toward long-term business prosperity.
The Chamber’s Strategic Focus areas are:
Member Services – Business members are the backbone of the Chamber. To serve you well, we will continuously research, develop and enrich these services, always seeking programs integral to your business success.
Advocacy – A successful business community participates in the larger community, ensuring the business perspective is at the forefront of any community conversation. Our clear goal is decision making which serves the greater, long term goal of the overall community.
Community Building – Collaboration builds a stronger organization and a stronger community. The Chamber is continually seeking out alliances with community partners, avoiding duplication of efforts. We are focused on the future of our community, actively engaged in supporting actions and solutions that will result in a brighter, more prosperous future.
The future of the regional business community is closely linked to these focus areas. Through its broad membership base, reflecting Greater Vancouver’s diverse business and civic community, the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce advocates sound, sensible, and dynamic policies that ensure a vital economic climate while improving Vancouver’s infrastructure and quality of life.