With "Call" you can find the contact names of all the numbers that are displayed without a name in your telephone list, "Call" is the contact light that will give you the name of the contact you want, , Archiving in us database.
Simple with a single click our sighting contact, as it is, will show you, the name in some small second, of the contact archive, relieve by the application. The application "contact" is a connected application.
"Call" will display the list of numbers displayed on the call log with their names
"Call" provide the visualization of the contacts mails to establish a direct electronic link with you contacts, provided also that the contact is archived, in our data base.
There are several applications for searching for contacts or "flashing contacts" in the blind, except that our is really unique.
Country supported: Morocco.
Countries to be supported in the following months: France
Nouveau désigne, plus de contacts , fluide, simple, et conviviale