“Tabakh Al-Freej Restaurant & Catering” is a renowned Kuwaiti based company that provides Kuwaiti, Arabic and Yemani cuisine, through our dining, home-delivery, and buffet catering concepts.
Tabakh Al-Freej has an inspired atmosphere from Kuwaiti old traditional alleys and villages. It’s located in Hawally; 1 minute away from Muhallab Mall, also located in Al Jahra, Al - Ardia, and Abu Halifa.
Equipped with strong fleet of delivery vehicles (85 sedan). We’re prominent for our Kuwaiti traditional dishes; “Gabout”, “Tashreeb”, “Machboos” and “Biryani”. We also excel in our Yemani Cuisine dishes like “Tanour Bread”, “Goulaba”, “Moushakel”.
All of our food must meet meticulous taste of our customer which ensure only freshest, cleanest and most delicious piece reach your table. This deep respect for clean, beautiful food has made us open three branches, Hawally, Al-Ardia, and Slail Al Jahra, with the help and guidelines of AHDO organization.