Have you ever been in a situation where you had to share valuable information or idea for a startup with business partners or friends? You probably wondered how to protect such information's privacy. For such cases, there are legal contracts and forms whose formats will be legally valid even in court.
Deal is a quick and simple way to create and sign an agreement via a mobile phone alone. The agreement form has been designed by practicing attorneys and completely satisfies all of the requirements for personal data protection. Set your document using templates and invite your friends or partners to sign the agreement online. The electronic signature in Deal consists of your phone and biometric data for unlocking your smartphone, which makes it impossible to forge the documents.You can conclude a unilateral or multilateral data protection agreement which provides legal charges for data disclosure.
This affordable, safe service for legal document processing might be useful in business deals as well as in various everyday situations. For instance, if you're inviting friends to an invitation-only party or going on a date with someone you met through a dating site. To protect your personal data from becoming open to the public, simply sign the data protection agreement using sms.
Deal - digital creator of electronic agreements!
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