Ready for the tour on different happening locations? Then drive into the public off-road bus.
Du som en ekspert driver utnytter du en udfordring for at køre på bussen på den hårde og zigzag off-road. Drive safe and reach on time on your desired location. There will be so much fun and you will get a good experience of the driving tours.
In the game of the free off-road legends, there are:
• 9 different levels to play
• Bus stop
• And lots of other features
You have to fight against time and win the level of hilly bus simulation. Du har to pick up turist eller passagererne fra off-road busstoppet og kjører dem til deres destinasjon. Den ekstreme off-road mountain driving er veldig mye en risikabel opgave, så let selv give et spor for å få erfaring med dette unike spillet av denne coaching off-road drive.
Off-road tourist is waiting for you, go get a ride and make sure that you should be on time because remember it's the mission against the time and you will drive the bus on the hills and also on mountains.
It's a 4x4 vehicle bus. Be comfortable and relax while driving the party bus simulator. In elke lab of the 3d bus game moet je de passagiers naar hun werkplek brengen. Du vil ikke finne noen problemer med å få veibeskrivelsen, fordi for din hjelp er det retnings pilene som vil drive deg til den nøyaktige plassering hvor turisten ønsker å gå, så i dette realistiske coaching busspill, kjør din buss på fjellene og på Bus med passagererne og få turister og selv amused med sådan en dejlig udsigt på spillet full av adventures off-road snø og topp hilly buskørselstur.
This game of riding the coach bus is specially made for you to enjoy and show your skills of driving on the dangerous turns of the mountains covered with snow.
• Amazing views
• Reverse gear and also the reverse camera available
• Easy to handle the bus
• Great control on the brakes, gears and steering
• Awesome soundtrack and 3D camera system
• Different levels to play
• Well-designed bus stop and the bus stand