Are you tired of trying for hours to find good games , the games that every one is or will soon be talking about ?
then this app is for you , it will offert you to install all the best games on the store ! the top of the chart games , and
all of that for free ! so that you can test the best games out there and enjoy yourself .
we will provide you with all kind of games , fps shooter , casual games , alien , or pool games
going from helicopter to golf ! a very wide range !
- game guide will not suggest games that you already have installed on your device !
- game guide will offert you to test some of the paying games of the store for free !
- we alsow will offert you the games that are the mostly rewied by yourubers such as pewdiepie or squeezie and others
- you will be able to choose from different categories =
* BEST : wich will have the best games of the store at the moment , those with the better ratings
* NEW : those will be the new emmerging and great games , and the games that are reviewed by the youtubers
like pewdiepie etc
* Rare : those are the games that we think are bound to become huge success .
* List : the list will allow you to search down a list of game for yourself and choose you to prefer
Please have Fun ! and give us five star if you like the games we propose you , thanks a ton for your support !!