This game is for everybody who appreciates the beauty of the universe and takes pleasure in the idea of being a natural force beyond science; a force that fuses suns in the early universe to fulfill a mission of utmost importance.
Space Guru features very beautiful computer generated graphics and a unique gameplay experience that will keep you engaged for a long time.
"Space Guru is an amazing game, especially as it becomes more complex and challenging the longer you play. " -
"Space Guru is worth the time and effort you'll invest into it. Once you've understood what's going on, it's a refreshingly fiendish app with even early levels requiring a fair amount of strategy and concentration." -
The more you master this game, the more you will love it and you will even feel relaxed after having played it. Play this game in the darkness and you will actually feel
like being in space.
If you like Space Guru Lite you can support me by buying Space Guru Full! There is also a lot more fun stuff to do in Space Guru Full:
* 48 beautiful hypnotizing galaxies, each one with its own challenge
* 8 difficulty levels for everybody
* many different suns - some will help you, some will annoy you
* constellations with which you can ask the gods for help when things get tough.
* countless achievements for which you will get reward points
* reward points with which you can increase your powers.
This game will reveal its true beauty only under low light conditions and on a high end device, but can also be played on a mediocre smartphone.
- solved OutOfMemoryException while generating galaxies
- changed look of buttons
- changed look of blackhole
- suns glow more when they are touched