This entertaining puzzle, similar to the famous game "15 puzzle", but with a completely different
logic counters move, represents a puzzle from 16 counters which need to be placed one after
another from 1 to 16.
Counters are moved vertically or horizontally. When moving a number of counters, a counter,
being on one end of a row, moves on another end. Thus movement goes in cycles.
At the first level is moved one row, on the second - 2 rows moves at the same time towards
each other, on the third - three.
- unlimited number of starting combinations.
- saving of the current status of the game
- automatic saving of progress and settings
- music clearance
- the ability to mute sound
Note: this is a demonstration version and has the following limitations:
- the ability to play only the first level
- saving is disabled
The video presents the full version of the game.