Requires a any Arduino board, a Bluetooth module and any motor-driver (or shields) to operate. You have control under 2 turnouts, traffic signals and trains of your railway. The custom button adding manage to the railway crossing or lighting of houses and streets of your layout. Encouraging creativity and learning electronics is a very simple and clear control system. By changing the sketches you can get new controls and adopt it to your layout.
This application has the following features:
Dependent behavior of the loco's states control elements
Slider Algorithm™ (improved Slider Control)
12x speed control
Switching two turnouts any types
Universal button
Whistle sound button
This application perfectly fits for manage under the Starter Set. It not only replaces the wired remote from the kit, but also adds many new features, making the game more fun. This application controls turnouts and have the sound of horn. You can use several locomotives and add railway signals to your game.
The first example of using URB control system dedicated to beginner railway modellers, shows how to just start playing with your railroad using Arduino and a smartphone. It is enough to have a any classic starter railway model kit and even a schoolboy will build this scheme in a few minutes.
You need the Arduino NANO board, the Bluetooth-module HC-06 and the motor-driver L298n is connected to the rails. All arduino's details for this experiment cost less than $ 10. If you already have any Arduino's board (like UNO, MEGA and etc.) and shields, you can also use them.
Support Protocol 2.3
UI fixed for xxhdpi screen