Get ready for Turkish races!
Are you tired of similar games? Here is the game for you, different quality understanding with different graphics and encoding will not satisfy the pleasure of this game. You will love this game developed by one person.
- 3 different modification options (Color, Rim, Windbreaker)
- 4 different maps, different weather conditions (Snowy, sunny, sunny and rainy)
- 3 different cars (Turtle, E30 and the owner of the volunteers)
- 3 different cameras (normal, cockpit camera and camera to look behind during the race)
- 2 different controls (Steering Wheel and Keys)
and more ...
Do not miss this game that updates every week. Before you update every week, specify what you want in the comments so that you have what you want with the update. (Such as cars, Modify Options, Maps, etc.)
And remember that this game was done by only one person It is revealed with 3 months of labor, it will develop with every update, just keep in track and remember that it supports Turkish game sector! One more thing I will add to the game again to comment on features will be given in the name support section, maybe you might be there, what do you think?
Come on, what are you waiting for? :D
Tag: Türk Racing , Şahin Drift, Last Drift, Just Drift
- Graphics were developed.
- Optimization done.
- Car Physics was developed.
- Added Autogas Control.
- Maps have been edited and reality joined.
and more. Come on, what are you doing?