NUMGU is a 3 digits or 4 digits number guessing game.
The objective is to find the hidden number of AI depending on the clues before it finds yours.
Player keeps a 3 digit number and AI keeps a 3 digit number.
Better with an example :
Let player keep the number : 5 6 0
The rules of keeping the number is :
1: The number can not start with ZERO - for example 0 3 5 is not valid
2: The numbers can not repeat - for example 3 3 8 is not valid.
AI will try to guess this number and it will start with a random number
Example : AI Guess is "3 5 2"
This number is compared with our number :
5 6 0 Our number
3 5 2 AI Guess
Comparing these two numbers in digits we see that :
3 - does not exist in our number so we give "0"
5 - exists in our number but not in correct place so we give "-1"
2 - does not exist in our number so we give "0"
The reply that AI will get is : +0 -1 Game does that automaticly.
Consider an other guess : 3 5 0
Comparing these numbers
5 6 0 Our number
3 5 0 AI Guess
3 - does not exist in our number so we give "0"
5 - exists in our number but not in correct place so we give "-1"
0 - exists in our number and in correct place so we give "+1"
The reply to this guess is " +1 -1 "
It is the same logic for the replies you get from AI for your guess.
This way, you will try to find the AI hidden number before it finds yours.
I had fun making it...hope you have fun playing it