This mobile game is Dedicated to Panyas Shri Hansratna Vijayji M. S. disciple of Shri Aadarniya Vijay Shri Prem, Bhuvanbhanu, Jaydhojsuri Samuday.
After the fierce fast of 180 days, Mahatapsvi Panyas Shri Hansratna Vijayji M. S. is currantly doing 16 month tap which is call "Gunratna Sanvatsar Tap" , Parna will be held in Mumbai.
The entire Labh for organising and Sponsoring the Gunratna Samvatsar Tap Parna Mahotsav has been given to respected donor family “Matoshri Kantaben Rasiklal Sanghvi (originally from Disa – Gujarat) at present Nashik, and her sons - Shri Rajendra Shah and Vilas Shah along with their wives Mrs. Kashmira R. Shah and Shilpa V. Shah respectively.
Date of Prana: 01/11/2015
Program Time : 7.30 AM onwards
BKC Grounds
Opposite DBD (Bharat Diamond Brouse)
For more details and news visit