There are many secrets behind your face, the change of your love, the situation of your health, the development of your wealth and the opportunity of your career. After scanning your face, our APP will make a professional report for you according to your facial features, it tells the secrets those you don't even know of your face. What's more, it can not only see what your face will look like in the future and what your future baby will look like, but also compare who is the most beautiful among you and your friends. In addition, you can learn about which celebrity looks like you and know yourself better with various interesting tests. Not enough if just the facial part? Your palm can tell you much more, try the Palmistry Predictor!
We Combined with self-developed big data and the most advanced AI technologies to provide users with useful guidance and predictions. Face me hopes that every user can feel the charm of the fusion of ancient culture and advanced technology through our app.
Download NOW – Best Prediction app ever!
Wondering how you would look as an old man? No longer need to do it! Age Face app is typical face aging booth machine. Just add photo (from gallery or camera) and watch your scary old man face ;)
** Daily Face Analysis
** Aging Prediction
** Baby Prediction
** Palmistry Predictor
** Beauty Competition
** Love Pairing
** Emotion Analysis
** Smile Competition
** Celebrity Match
** Interesting Test
1.Time Machine
Are you curious about how you will look like in several years? Share your old face with your parents or grandparents to have fun together!
2.Previous Life
Do you want to know the look and identity of your past life? Were you a princess or a maid? When did you get married?
3.Beauty Index
Know the score of your facial features in the public aesthetic through selfie.